The Best Healthy Habits to Improve Your Mental Health

We’ve talked about things to avoid in order to improve your mental health, but now let’s discuss some healthy habits you can add to enhance your well-being.
woman walking in the woods getting exercise Healthy Habits to Improve Your Mental Health Evoke Wellness Wilmington, NC

By Emily Rosenberg

Whether you’ve set healthy goals for yourself and are working towards them, or simply thinking about positive changes you’d like to make, great job! Making changes to improve your mental health and quality of life isn’t always easy, but it’s worth it. Keep in mind that the more you practice healthy habits, the easier they become.

Many individuals are hard on themselves during this journey, but remember that no one is perfect. It is natural and expected for your “best” to look different depending on the day. Remember to strive for progress rather than perfection, and be kind to yourself!

We’ve talked about things to avoid in order to improve our mental health, but now let’s discuss what can be added or changed to enhance our well-being.

Things You Can Do to Improve Your Mental Health

1. Sleep

It is recommended that adults get anywhere from 7-9 hours of sleep per night. If you are not getting enough sleep, your mood, concentration, and decision-making skills may be negatively impacted. This can result in difficulty carrying out those health plans we make for ourselves. If you are having trouble sleeping, let’s talk about it! There are various therapeutic interventions and sleep hygiene activities for you to try in order to help you achieve a healthy amount of sleep.

comfy bed, lights dimmed and ready for restful sleep healthy habits to improve your mental health Evoke Wellness Wilmington, NC

2. Healthy Eating

Research suggests that certain healthy foods and nutrients (minimally processed foods, fiber, antioxidants, etc.) can help improve mood and reduce symptoms associated with depression and anxiety. Food also provides us with energy, which can be helpful in prompting us to engage in healthy behaviors that will support our goals. It may be useful to check the nutritional content of various foods in order to give yourself an idea of foods to target for health benefits! Of course, it is recommended that you consult with your doctor before making any diet changes.

3. Self-Talk/Thinking Patterns

How you think and talk to yourself is so important to the success of your goals! If you are constantly putting yourself down, minimizing your triumphs, or telling yourself that you will fail, it will be much more difficult for you to achieve your goals. As much as you can, be kind to yourself! It may be helpful to try to talk to yourself as if you’re talking to a friend or loved one. If you struggle to be positive and non-judgmental with yourself, you are always welcome to schedule an appointment with a therapist at Evoke Mind + Body. We can help you learn strategies to change these unhelpful thinking patterns into more helpful, realistic, and positive thinking patterns!

4. Exercise

Whether you enjoy walking your dog, hitting the gym, or swimming at the beach, different forms of exercise can positively impact your overall health. Research suggests that exercise releases feel-good chemicals in your brain, and therefore boosts your mood. We all need a boost every now and then, and making exercise a habit can definitely help! Physical activity can also have positive impacts on our ability to sleep and make positive decisions.

woman walking in the woods getting exercise Healthy Habits to Improve Your Mental Health Evoke Wellness Wilmington, NC

5. Hydration

Water is an essential component of various bodily functions, which makes sense when we consider that around 55-60% of our bodies are made up of water, says science! Research also suggests that dehydration is associated with symptoms of depression and anxiety, and staying hydrated can reduce such symptoms. You will probably be more likely to stay hydrated if you have a bottle or glass of water in front of you, so try to make it a habit to always have water around!

Engaging in the above habits may help improve your overall well-being. Implementing new habits can seem overwhelming, but you don’t need to make all these changes at once! It may be helpful to start with small changes from the list above and go from there. Lastly, remember to cheer yourself on during this process and celebrate your successes!

Want to learn more about improving your mental health? Check out our blog!


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